Human Powered. Authentic Performance.

You're just starting out.

So are we.

Let's talk.

Monday, October 25, 2010

You're Just Starting Out. So Are We. Let's Talk.

We've said it before, but it bears repeating: Groucho is both for and by athletes who've got their priorities right. We're straight-up enthusiasts, hardcore and killing it every time we're out and in everything we do, but we also know that community, camaraderie, environmental stewardship, health, passion, accomplishment, and the just plain love for the sport is more important than crossing any finish line.

This is how we live our lives, and it's also how we run our business. We here at Team Groucho have got some exciting things in the works that we're beyond pumped about. For starters, we're working hard to bring you a line of gear that exceeds your expectations in high performance but doesn't exceed your budget. We are also, as we speak, working on creating and designing a new website with which to blow your minds. It's going to be a place to not only to find the coolest gear, but to also get amped up about what you're doing.

And we want you along for the ride.

Team Groucho is looking for 3 bloggers to join our team and complete our vision for the new site. We want bloggers who think big, train hard, and live every day like it's the best day of their lives. Whether you just signed up for a 5K, doing a RAGBRAI, training for an Ironman, or have made it your life's mission to surf every day for the rest of your life, we want to hear from you. And tell us what else you have going on in your life, while you're at it, because if we just wanted to read about bicycling, we'd pick up a magazine. What we really want to hear about is you...all of it, everything. Show us what you've got.

What's in it for you? Being a member of Team Groucho means:
* An opportunity to receive free gear and test future gear
* Mingle with the coolest team in the world
* Exposure at events
* Starring in photo shoots
* Blog post promotion on our behalf
* Bragging rights to being on the starting line of an up-and-coming start-up with a kickass vision

Guidelines and other somewhat boring stuff:
* You do not have to blog exclusively on Groucho, but we do ask that the posts you write for Groucho remain exclusively the rights of Groucho Sports.
* We ask that you commit to blogging at least once a week. We know that life gets busy and things happen, and we're here to support you however we can. But we can't be there for you if you don't let us in, man.

Interested? More than interested? Totally psyched? Then gather the following:

1. A short bio
You've done enough of those "Tell us why you want to do ___" applications. We don't want to hear about why you think we're awesome (even though we love compliments and will take every one we can get). We want to hear about what makes your life awesome. What are you into? What are you going after? Spill it.

2. A photo
We're not looking for models, and we don't have a certain image we need you to fit into (lame). We do, however, want to get a sense for who you are. Photos help with this. We will also accept framed acrylic portraits, autographed posters, and multi-colored mosiacs done in your image.

3. A blog post sample
What would you want to write about on Groucho? Hint: It doesn't just have to be about being an athlete. Write it. We want to read it.

Send all this shiz and any questions to by Friday, November 5th.
We'll announce our new bloggers and give them a big internet hug on Friday, November 12th.

Now get out there and wriiiiiiiiiite!

Friday, October 22, 2010


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

They've got that safe, warm "This rad article of clothing belongs to ME!" feeling, just like your mom writing your name in your underwear before summer camp.

Like training, each step in starting your business can (and should, right?) feel like a monumental accomplishment.

Which is why we're pretty psyched to share our BRAND SPANKIN' NEW sewn-in tags with you.   

What makes Polyamide rad:
  • Superior moisture management with a quick drying time (75% faster than that lame-brain called cotton)
  • UV light resistant
  • Non-allergic
  • Odor-resistant for you stinkos out there (aw, don't be sad.  We still love you.  And now everyone else will love you even more, now that you won't stink as much after your bike ride)
  • High elasticity
  • High durability, for those of you who usually can't have nice things because you don't take care of your stuff
  • Resistant to abrasion (!)
  • Crease-resistant (You can wear it to church or a nice fancy restaurant!)
  • Shape retention/shrink-proof, which can be a negative feature after the holidays or Super Bowl Sunday, or if you have suddenly decided to take up a passionate love affair with fully loaded chicken nachos
  • Easy to wash and quick drying, which is nice for those of you who don't actually still live at home with your mom.
Pretty sweet material, huh? And Elastane is basically just another word for spandex.

Which you already know you look good in, don't cha, sparky.