Rest. Day.
Those two dirty little words make me cringe, and honestly, they don’t exist in my vocabulary. Rest day?! Rest day?! Really, you want me to whaaaaat?! No working out?! No yoga? No running, cycling or CrossFit? Sweat once a day is my mantra, so clearly, that’s just not possible.
However, thanks to Saturday’s #snOMG, it indeed was possible, and it actually happened.
Gasp! (I know a few of you – and you know who you are – are probably saying, “It’s about time!”)
It wasn’t by choice because if I had a choice, I would have been sweating it out at a hot yoga class, followed by a CrossFit butt kicking. But, seeing as I couldn’t get out of my parking ramp (and yes, I did try) and I wasn’t going to trudge two-plus miles in nearly two feet of snow, I was stuck.
A brief bout of anxiety and near hyperventilation ensued, but after it passed (thank you, yoga, for teaching me ujjayi breathing), I realized just how good my Saturday was going to be. I mean, an entire day – 24 hours – of being at home, catching up on everything neglected while racing around between yoga studios, the gym and work? Heck. Yes. I was going to own that lazy little Saturday, relish it… and ignore the treadmill in my building’s workout room that was calling my name.
Clean loft from top to bottom. Laundry. Grad school research and paper writing. Check, check and check. I even capped off the day with a movie.
I hate to admit it – and yes, you have permission to say, “I told you so” – but that day of relaxation wasn’t as horrible as I feared; it was actually kinda nice. Aside from all that productivity – you know how good it feels to have a spotless home? – I felt refreshed and sort-of rested (feeling 100 percent rested will probably never happen).
Much as it pains me – both to take one and to not take one – I’m making one rest day per week mandatory. Please, dear readers, hold me accountable. I need a little more downtime in my life.
Rest assured, however: The yoga streak lives on. I honored Saturday’s #snomageddon with 25 sun salutations and savasana in my living room.
As an aside… I want to give a big thank you to Groucho Sports. I must say, the entire Groucho team and its followers are one amazing, inspiring crew; I am humbled to be a part of such awesomeness. And Friday’s happy hour? Incredible! Oddly enough, everyone there I knew because of twitter (and I even met a few fantastic peeps for the first time… so nice to finally meet you, Sonia, Jon and Nate!). The power of social media, huh?
To quote Mr. Paul Simon, "slow down you move too fast." That was my favorite part of the weekend - it made me just stop and recenter. Glad to hear you took some "you time."
Happy holidays to all your blog readers!